🧰 Tech Stack

🛠️ Setup Server

  1. Setup Appwrite server
  2. Create project almostKialo
  3. Install Appwrite CLI
  4. Login with appwrite login
  5. Enter cd backend
  6. Deploy database structure with appwrite deploy collection
  7. Deploy database seeds with sh seed.sh
  8. Deploy functions with appwrite deploy function
  9. Set variables on deployed functions. There is backend/functions folder for each function. They all have README.md describing what variables they need
  10. Setup GitHub OAuth provider

👀 Setup Client

  1. Install libarries npm install
  2. Update endpoint in src/lib/appwrite.ts (Appwrite endpoint from server setup)
  3. Start server npm run dev

🚀 Deploy client

  1. Deploy frontend and backend on the same domain. For example, myapp.com and appwrite.myapp.com
  2. Add frontend hostname as a platform in Appwrite project

🚨 Setup Moderation

  1. Add trusted users to mods team. They can delete any discussion
  2. On trusted user, set isMod=true their prefs