👋 Introduction

TMStats is a medal tracker that shows overview of all Trackmania medals an user achieved. The website allows user to share campaign or daily maps medals with anyone.

Project focuses on multiple aspects and features:

  • <input checked="" disabled="" type="checkbox"> Track of the day (TOTD) medals in yearly view
  • <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Campaign medals in season view
  • <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Custom map medals in list view
  • <input disabled="" type="checkbox"> Gamified achievement & quests system

As of right now, project has no business model and is fully free and open-sourced. Project generates expenses, and business model might be added in the future.

🤖 Tech Stack

TMStats uses multiple frontend and backend technologies with focus of simplifying the development. Main focus of tech stack in this project is to make development fast and fun, instead of making it scalable and reliable.

  • TailwindCSS, a CSS library to rapidly design components using HTML classes
  • Svelte, a JS library to build reactive frontend. Alongside this, application uses TypeScript
  • Svelte Kit, a Svelte framework to give proejct proper structure, routing and other cool features
  • Appwrite, a secure backend as a service that provides 90% of necessary backend functionality out of the box

💻 Development Setup


  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Spin-up HTTP server: npm run dev
  3. Visit localhost:3000

If you get Network Failed error, it most likely means CORS error, and backend refuses your hostname. To prevent this, either make sure you use localhost hostname, or make sure to add your hostname as platform inside Appwrite Project.


You only need to spin-up backend if you man on backend changes. For frontend changes, you can skip this step as project is connected to production backend instance.

  1. Install Appwrite locally, or on development server

Make soure your .env file _APP_FUNCTIONS_RUNTIMES variable includes deno-1.14 runtime. This runtime is used by all functions in this project. Changes to .env are applied using command docker-compose up -d.

  1. Sign up into your Appwrite instance and create project with both name and ID set to tmStats
  2. Install Appwrite CLI locally, and login: appwrite login
  3. Enter cd backend
  4. Deploy collections: appwrite deploy collection
  5. Deploy functions: appwrite deploy functions

To prepare your changes from your Appwrite instance database to production one:

  1. Pull database changes: appwrite init collection

To create a new function:

  1. Create function: appwrite init function

Make sure you create functions using deno-1.14 runtime.

Feel free to do manual changes to appwrite.json if you are familiar with this file.

🚀 Deployment


  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Build project: npm run build
  3. Deploy folder build on a static hosting

Frontend build does not use any special environment variables.


  1. Deploy database changes, if necessary: appwrite deploy collection
  2. Deploy function changes, if necessary: appwrite deploy function