image  loading=

🧰 Usage


Returns HTML website with documentation for API.


image  loading=

GET /screenshot/:url

Returns an webp/png/jpeg image of the specified URL;


Query Param Type Default Value
width number 1280
height number 720
scale number 1
clipX number
clipY number
quality number 80
format jpeg | webp | png webp
fullPage boolean false
omitBackground boolean false
darkMode boolean false


Sample 200 Response:

(image buffer)

GET /video/:url

Returns an mp4 video of the specified URL;


Query Param Type Default Value
width number 1280
height number 720
scale number 1
darkMode boolean false
animation string 1000,500,0,smooth

Animation values are created in the format: wait (the duration it stays after an animation has played), top (how many pixels to go from the top), left (how many pixles to go from the left), behavior (smooth, instant, auto)

Animations can be chained together using a colon. Example 1000,100,0,smooth:1000,300,0,smooth


Sample 200 Response:

(video buffer)

GET /metadata/:url

Returns a json representation of the meta tags for the specified URL;


Sample 200 Response:

    "charset": "utf-8"
    "name": "description",
    "content": "Kenneth Bass' Portfolio of Projects!"
    "name": "viewport",
    "content": "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"

⚙️ Configuration

Setting Value
Runtime Node (18.0)
Entrypoint src/main.js
Build Commands npm install
Permissions any
Timeout (Seconds) 30